Sunday 15 April 2018


It is interesting to follow out the connections of symptoms.

Take for instance the single prominent symptom of Conium, vertigo.

Vertigo on turning the head, Con., Calc. ost., Kali c.

Vertigo on moving the head, Bry., Calc. ost., Con.

Vertigo on looking up, Puls., Silic.

Vertigo on looking down, Phos., Spig., Sulph.

Vertigo from odor of flowers, Nux v., Phos.

Vertigo on watching, or loss of sleep, Cocc., Nux vom.

Vertigo on the least noise, Therid.

Vertigo while walking, Nat. m., Nux v., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo while studying, Nat. m.

Vertigo while or after eating, Grat., Nux v., Puls.

Vertigo as if whirling, Bry. Con., Cyclam., Puls.

Vertigo as if the bed turned, Con.

Vertigo with fainting, Nux vom.

Vertigo with staggering, Arg. nit., Gels., Nux v., Phos.

Vertigo with eyes closed, or in dark, Arg. n., Stram., Therid.

Vertigo with dimness of sight, Cyclam., Gels., Nux v.

Vertigo when rising from seat, Bry., Phos.

Vertigo when rising from stooping, Bellad.

Vertigo when rising from bed., Bry., Chel., Cocc.

Vertigo when stooping, Bell., Nux, Puls., Sulph.

Vertigo when ascending, Calc. ost.

Vertigo when descending, Borax, Ferrum.

Vertigo when lying, Con.

Vertigo must lie down, Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo occipital, Gels., Sil., Petrol.

Vertigo after sleep, Lach.

Vertigo after suppressed menses, Cyclam., Puls.

Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.

By Obaidullah

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