Tuesday 13 February 2018


Materia ___ Only Theme of medicines.....

A ______ Z


Abies nigra = The person rebels and is listless.

Abrotanum = The person is very sensitive if his feelings cannot develop. This makes him action-incapable.

Absinthium = Pressure generates counterpressure, everything hard lies in the stomach.

Acidum aceticum = The person feels strongly put under pressure.

Acidum benzoicum = The person cannot escape because he lacks his selfvalue.

Acidum fluoricum = The person adapts himself up to the selfjob to like, first himself.

Acidum formicidum = The person cannot assert himself. He fails because of standards.

Acidum hydrocyanicum = The person suppresses own feelings and sticks with it to his grief.

Acidum muriaticum = The person gets deeper and deeper in mental isolation.

Acidum nitricum = The person leads a dogged fight for own place.

Acidum oxalicum = The person leads a fatiguing fight for care and hold.

Acidum phosphoricum = The person is caught in a vicious circle. The longing for an internal home does him.

Acidum picrinicum = The person has brought himself in dependence what forces him now to passiveness.

Acidum sulfuricum = The person is hectic to cover the suppressed conflicts.

Aconitum napellus = The person feels angry, nothing thinks to be able to act, and gets in agonising fear.

Adonis vernalis = Feelings hinder the consciousness of the self.

Adrenalinum = The person flees because of fear of injury.

Aesculus = The person believes to have lost. He feels as dried out.

Aethusa virosa = The person is completely blocked. He lets pass nothing.

Agaricus muscarius = The person estimates the life absolutely wrong, afflicted by loss fear.

Agnus castus = The person sacrifices his identity for a higher aim.

Ailanthus gland. = The person sacrifices himself.

Allium Cepa = The person fights without every own perspective.

Allium sativum = The person avoids distrustfully and flees.

Aloe = The person has lost the courage and does nothing more.

Alumina = The person has lost the orientation.

Ambra grisea = The person is childish and move. He does not want to become adult.

Ammonium benzoicum = The person rumbles, everything is wrong!

Ammonium bromatum = The person rumbles, everything in the occupation is wrong!

Ammonium carbonicum = The person rumbles because he lacks the hold (father).

Ammonium muriaticum = The person rumbles because he lacks the mothers. He is very pessimistic.

Amylenum nitr. = The person mutinies against his prison walls. He tries to flee. Prison mutiny and attempt to escape

Anacardium orient. = The person has no own position.

Anantherum muriaticum = The person is afraid to miss something, he is unsafe.

Anhalonium lew. = The person has controlling loss with longing for his group.

Antimonium crudum = The person believes to have lost his love.

Antimonium metallicum = The person believes to have lost himself. He feels broke.

Antimonium tartaricum = The person does not know own needs.

Apis = The person is dear and well at all costs. He wants to be allowed to remain around in the nest. Only do not step out of line!

Apocynum = The person would like to develop, however, is afraid of it.

Aranea Diadema = The loss of the self-esteem makes unconscious.

Argentum metallicum = The person controls instead of trusting.

Argentum nitricum = The person feels isolated. Nobody loves me!

Arnica = The person is isolated, injured and shocked.

Arsenicum album  = The person reacts in panic fear. He tries to avoid.

Arsenicum jodatum = The person is distrustful and controls everything, until he gets no more air.

Arum triphyllum = The person is restrained, move and blocks.

Asa foetida = The person suffers everything because of fear.

Aurum metallicum = The person neglects himself, while he tries hard all the others to lead well and successfully.

Avena sativa = The person loses step by step his whole creativity.


Badiaga = He feels under pressure because he would be unbeloved.

Baptisia tinctoria = He does not like own adaptation at all.

Bambusa = He is totally exhausted because of fear of criticism.

Barium carbonicum = Grief and instability

Barium muriaticum = Grief and powerlessness

Belladonna = Rage about lacking attention

Bellis perennis = deeply disappointing and, therefore, half-heartedly

Berberis = Broken will, unconscious weakness

Borax veneta = Fear to fall

Bovista = intellectual boasting

Bromium = The bad conscience

Bryonia album = Clinch to traditions, appeal to it. Bryonia is appropriate if one tries constantly to lean somewhere. If it is physical or mental. "It hurt when I leant."

Bufo = Avoids in childish manner of the responsibility


Cactus grandiflorus = Limits itself to narrow space, obediently

Cajeputum = Reserved shutdown

Caladium = Tired by untenable conception

Calcium carbonicum = Just lost, because unstable

Calcium hypophosphorosum = Can and do not want to move

Calcium fluoricum = Just lost because of missing down-to-earthness

Calcium phosphoricum = Too small and helplessly for the internal hold

Calendula = To itself tear for lack of distance

Camphora officinalis = Resignation, avoid the activity

Cannabis indica = Frivolously and fickly

Cannabis sativa = Hold out at all costs

Cantharis = Burns in the fire of his fury

Capsicum = Stay-at-home without own middle

Carbo animalis = Lives without developing

Carboneum sulfuratum = hindered to develop

Carbo vegetabilis = Life without challenge, from the everyday life exhausts

Carcinominum = Disappointed mother, life without own identity

Carduus marianus = Disappointed fight for recognition

Castor equi = Refusal of own job

Castoreum canadense = Refusal of own creativity

Caulophyllum = Missing courage to own development

Causticum Hahnemanni = The world MUST be good, otherwise I am lost!

Cedron = Something from all, but nothing properly; independently because of fear of nearness

Chamomilla = „Yes, but …!“ as a defence against criticism

Chelidonium = makes itself small, yellow before fury

Chimaphila umbellata = cannot become adult fast enough

China officinalis = Depending on others he pines away himself. Slave of the circumstances.

Chininum arsenicosum = Depending on others he pines away himself up to the bitter end

Chionanthus virg. = Accepts from nothing but harmony need everything.

Cicuta virosa = Escape in own childishness because of fear of the borders

Cimicifuga = Does not want to become adult because of fear without living recognition.

Cina = Is stuck disappointed and now cramped completely.

Cinnabaris = Outwardly friendly in spite of subliminal protest against dogmas

Cistus canadensis = angrily, humiliated, full protest

Clematis = He does not let go to be supplied; he credits himself with nothing.

Cobaltum nitricum = He is sour about the check of the life

Cocainum hydrochloricum = sure compulsive excessively.

Cocculus = fades out every own interest. Assistant's desire.

Coccus cacti = Clinches and overdoes it

Cochlearia = Escape in the past feelings

Coffea = Humiliated, feeling of own guilt

Colchicum = Faint and defencelessness. He cannot present himself.

Colocynthis = Blocked in the development, holy fury

Condurango = Pines away itself. autoaggressively

Conium = Stroke of fate demands to the giving up

Convallaria = hides despondently from itself

Copaiva = Faint and self-criticism become apparent hammering

Corallium rubrum = Touchy up to the complete exhaustion

Cortisonum  = Helpless attempt of the self-assertion

Crataegus = Deny themselves the affection

Crocus sativus = Because of fear of own feelings leading pointless fights

Crotalus horridus = suppressed vital energy

Cuprum aceticum = clinches, needs rituals

Cuprum metallicum = Submits to attain security and protection.

Cuprum sulfuricum = slave of material

Cyclamen = Forbidden desire, sinner's consciousness

Cypripedium = Fear for lack of care


Digitalis purpurea = Life wishes prepare agonising fear

Drosera = May not defend itself even / self-confidently

Dulcamara = Acceptance of foreign power because of fear of disappointment and coldness


Echinacea =  Excessive demand in all situations

Elaps corallinus = is hidden, because of fear of punishment

Eugenia =  Fear of own being, nothing leave pure

Eupatorium = Hit and maltreated

Euphorbium = autoaggressive expectations

Euphrasia off. = Only do not look!


Fel tauri = the fear crouches on the breast

Ferrum arsenicosum = Selfvalue by achievement fight up to the bitter end

Ferrum metallicum = Selfvalue by achievement fight

Ferrum phosphoricum = Selfdepreciation constantly by himself repeated achievement fight

Flor de Piedra = Angrily about not articulated needs

Formica rufa = Contorts itself in his self-criticism


Gelsemium = Expectation fear because blocks by menace

Glonoinum = The dogmatism because one feels fast cut

Gnaphalium = Is in way of his own development

Graphites = too much load, too much feeling hinders affiliation

Gratiola officinalis = Nobody loves me. Tore and exhausted

Grindelia = Flucht = Escape

Guajacum = Overstretches and, therefore, fossilizes, tore and braces


Hamamelis = unloved, not being respected

Haplopappus = Melancholically without strength to the life

Hedera helix = suppressed pleasure because of fear of security loss

Hekla Lava = Abuse of individual life energy

Helleborus niger = Disappoint love makes incapable

Helonias dioica = Infertile immobility

Hepar sulfuris  = And if you do not want to be my brother, then smash I to you the skull! (a German saying, I hope it is also clear into English)

Histaminum = loses itself in his defence

Hura brasiliensis  = lonely and leave, because feeling guilty

Hydrastis = feels the life as uninviting and unacceptable. Therefore, he protests.

Hyoscyamus niger = Fights for recognition and attention

Hypericum = Injured by breach of trust


Ignatia = dumb suffering. If does not go any more, he is expressed very loud.

Insulinum = Addiction to the sweetness of the life

Ipecacuanha = Dumb protest to everything, till all comes up without stop

Iris versicolor = He would like to remain a child to have to bear no responsibility.


Jaborandi = strictly exists on his right.

Jodum = Feels unsupplied and malnourished

Juglans cinerea = Feels unbeloved. He cannot digest this

Juniperus = Cramps in fear around the partnership


Kalium bichromicum = Own needs ignore by ostensible sacrifice

Kalium bromatum = Has sacrificed own needs of own guilt and life lie

Kalium carbonicum = Plays the clown. Ignores own needs

Kalium muriaticum = ignore own needs, feelings victims

Kalium jodatum = Ignores need for love

Kalium nitricum = angry about repressed needs

Kalium phosphoricum = frantically for foreign needs

Kalium sulfuricum = partnerships is a bad compromise

Kreosotum = resignation by shock / abuse


Lac caninum = threat shun the existence of humility

Lac vaccinum defl. = Threat shun the existence of binding

Lachesis muta = scheming moralist

Lachnanthes tinct. = Forced coldness

Latrodectus mactans = convulsive aggression

Laurocerasus = deepy frozen struggle for existence

Ledum palustre = very stubborn

Lilium tigrinum = Moral concerns suppress the desire

Lobelia = Deeply hurt

Luesinum = Uncontrollable pressure

Luffa operculata = About Critical of crushed hopes

Lycopodium clav. = Solidification unwholesome perception of blocked channels

Lycopus = devouring expectation

Lyssinum = Rabid defense at the lowest excitation


Magnesium carbonicum = fear of loss makes it hard

Magnesium muriaticum = fear of loss in love

Magnesium phosphoricum = Perpetual fear of loss in all decisions

Magnesium sulfuricum = Ignore the fear of loss, without even realizing it

Mancinella hippomanes = chased by the devil, blind for life

Manganum aceticum = being left in the lurch

Medorrhinum = fear of his own conscience, smothered in self-criticism

Melilotus officinalis = fits into the fate uncomplainingly

Mercurius corrosivus = lack of confidence, because the world is so bad

Mercurius jodatus fl. = lack of confidence, because everyone is lying

Mercurius jodatus rub. = Lack of confidence

Mercurius solubilis = pathetic or apathetic withdrawal from the world

Mercurius sulfuricus = lack of confidence in partner

Mezereum = Entrenched behind walls

Moschus = chewing on indigestible problems and evades

Mygale = autoaggressive impulses


Naja tripudians = scheming moralist with feelings of fear

Natrium carbonicum = Unstable security

Natrium muriaticum = captivating relations

Natrium phosphoricum = clinging relations

Natrium sulfuricum = Worthless without relations

Niccolum metallicum = First work, then play

Nux moschata = withdraws from fear of lack of proximity

Nux vomica = hectic Works of disaster counter


Okoubaka = defends itself against foreign impressions

Oleander = ignored the battle of life

Opium papaver = block at the threshold of consciousness


Paeonia officinalis = Entrenched fear of a foreign power

Palladium metallicum = make an impression at all costs

Paris quadrifolia = uncritical view of its being

Passiflora = Will get impatient at the center

Petroleum = frozen limits

Petroselinum = Blocked feelings

Phasaeolus = lacking the sweetness of life

Phosphorus = life trauma: vicious circle

Phytolacca decandra = pouts when changes are in the house

Platinum metallicum = The absolutely extraordinary existence

Plumbum metallicum  = Solidifies in universal standards

Populus candicans = cannot articulate for fear

Populus tremuloides = resignation and escape from the feelings

Prunus spinosa = Caught in Confusion

Psorinum = lack of insulation

Pulsatilla prat. = Head in sand

Pyrogenium = internally poisoned and thrown off track


Ranunculus bulbosus = feels attacked, insists on dogmas

Ratanhia peruviana = cone

Rheum palmatum = Doing the right to reject

Rhododendron chrys. = Future instead of present

Rhus tox. = Escape from the confines

Rosmarinum off. = compulsively swallow into themselves all

Rumex = Irritable, while Dorothy Day Story

Ruta grav. = Reaming in an unpleasant situation


Sabadilla off. = off feeling like shit

Sabal serrulata = Attempt to compulsively self-expression

Sabina = arrested in the Old, no membership

Salvia = nervous anxiety

Sambucus niger = constantly watching for fear of a threat

Sanguinaria = fear of the life process

Sarracenia purpur. = Disregarded live in infamy

Sarsaparilla = Live in infamy disobey

Scarlatinum = paternalism ousted phlegmatic

Scilla maritima = fends off near

Secale cornutum = outside a block of ice, inside a volcano

Selenium = off weakness in the infirmity

Senecio aur. = Life in front of shirking

Senega = distance instead of compromise

Sepia = forces himself to duty

Silicea = head instead of hurt feelings

Solidago = fear of a more complex partnership

Spigelia = breach of trust has violated

Spongia = self-renunciation for protection

Stannum metallicum = Not permitted enjoyment of life

Staphisagria = Isolated, with no inner engagement

Sticta pulmonaria = exaggerated reactions of life

Stramonium = explosiv panic

Strophantus = hectic survival technician

Sulfur = partner problem, awareness is suppressed

Sulfur jodatum = resignation

Sumbulus moschatus = blocked his passion

Symphytum off. = Suffer until collapse

Syphilinum = Uncontrollable pressure


Tabacum = Withdrawal from uncertainty

Tarantula hisp. = Destroys itself in hectic

Tartarus emeticus = may not recognize his own needs

Taraxacum = disoriented in its development

Tellurium metallicum = Better game ball as the perpetrator

Terebinthina = turns almost

Teucrium marum verum = liberation desire of important issues

Teucrium scorodinia = closes due to inner insecurity, expand inwards

Thallium = submits to the norm

Thea chin. = Insulation resolved by passage over corpses

Thuja occ. = Ignore one's own shadow

Thyreoideum = loss of one's own center

Trillium = imprint of old sorrow

Tuberculinum bovin. = Escape into illusion


Urtica urens = loss of love gets under the skin

Ustilago maydis = life sacrificing for others


Valeriana off. = yourself feel blackmailed

Variolinum = external impressions overwhelm

Veratrum alb. = self-betrayal

Verbascum thaps. = Fear of violence

Viola odorata = renunciation of his own size for the purpose community

Viola tricolor = resistance, deviates from the disease

Vipera berus = fainting, loss of self-esteem

Viscum album = clings to his anxiety


Zincum metallicum = oppression and discipline instead of feeling

Zincum val. = Suppresses each own expression

-Homeo Learning System

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