Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Remedies for Flu!!!

10 Important Remedies For The Flu

Aconitum Napellus: Acute onset. Ailments after sudden exposure to cold or shock or fright.
Baptisia TinctoraBruised pains, uncomfortable in any position, extreme prostration, or infectious illness.
Belladonna: Acute/rapid onset, high fever, red, hot, dry face, throbbing pains.
Bryonia Alba: Thirsty for large quantities of liquid, dryness of mucous membranes, averse to least motion.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Extreme aching deep in bones, worse by cold air.
Gelsemium SempervirensTrembling, muscle weakness, thirstless. Headache beginning in the occiput and radiating to the forehead. Increased urination that dribbles. Could be a response to anticipatory anxiety.
Kali Bichromicum: Nasal or post-nasal discharge, which is thick, purulent, usually yellow and stringy.
Mercurius Vivus: Sensitivity to changes of temperature. Profuse sweating without relief. Foulness of mouth, with offensive breath, salivation.
Pyrogenium: Profuse perspiration with continuous fever. Feels bruised, sore, chilly, restlessness.
Rhus Toxicodendron: General amelioration from motion, restlessness. Fever blisters