Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Bird's-Eye பார்வையில் Taj Mahal உட்பட உலகின் பல பாகங்களில் சுற்றுலா !!!

AirPano.com    360° Aerial Panorama    3D Virtual Tours Around the World

AirPano is a non-commercial project focused on high resolution 3D aerial panoramas. The AirPano team is a group of Russian photographers and panorama enthusiasts. During the next 2-3 years, we plan to shoot a variety of aerial panoramas and create virtual 3D tours of the most interesting places of our planet.
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Flooding in Germany,  2013, Town of Lauenburg • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Flooding in Germany, 2013, Town of Lauenburg

The low-lying old district of Lauenburg, a riverside town east of Hamburg, was evacuated. The main street of the old town is under water...
Total Views:17 129
Flooding in Germany,  Fischbeck and Lostau Towns, Ultra High Resolution • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Flooding in Germany, Fischbeck and Lostau Towns, Ultra High Resolution

The situation in Germany is getting slowly back to normal, but there are still many places which are still under water. We would like to suggest you two ultra high resolution panoramas from Fishbeck and Lostau towns...
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Fischbeck Town, part II, Dyke Burst and Flooding • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Fischbeck Town, part II, Dyke Burst and Flooding

We continue to show a scary flooding situation in Germany. A dyke near Fischbeck in the state of Saxony-Anhalt was breached overnight on Monday, 10th of June, allowing floodwaters to completely inundate the village. Our photographers reached the town yesterday..
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Flooding in Germany,  2013, Town of Fischbeck • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Flooding in Germany, 2013, Town of Fischbeck

We continue to show a scary flooding situation in Germany. A dyke near Fischbeck in the state of Saxony-Anhalt was breached overnight on Monday, 10th of June, allowing floodwaters to completely inundate the village...
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Flooding in Germany, Lostau village, 2013 • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Flooding in Germany, Lostau village, 2013

Some 23,000 people were forced to leave their homes in the east German after a dam burst on the flood-swollen River Elbe. In Magdeburg, the capital of Saxony-Anhalt state, flood waters rose to 7.44m (24ft), nearly four times higher than normal...

Total Views:31 150
Flooding in Czech Republic, Usti nad Labem, 2013 • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Flooding in Czech Republic, Usti nad Labem, 2013

Located North of Prague, at the confluence of Elbe and Bilin rivers, city of Usti nad Labem is experiencing a major flood at the moment. Our colleague Stas Sedov is working in Usti nad Labem right now. He was able to capture the “Big Water” from a bird’s eye view...
Total Views:60 412
360 video, Manhattan at Night, New York, USA • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

360 video, Manhattan at Night, New York, USA

Now we would like to show the unique 360 video of the night Manhattan, New York, USA, which has been taken in March 2013...
Total Views:27 970
Athens, Greece • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Athens, Greece

Being one of the oldest cities in the world Athens was first mentioned in 15th century BC. Athens is called the "cradle of civilization" - it's the birthplace of democracy, western philosophy, political science, literature, theater, and the Olympics...
Total Views:32 153
Maya Pyramids, Tikal, Guatemala • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Maya Pyramids, Tikal, Guatemala

The name Tikal, which in means "the place of spirit voices" Mayan language, appeared in the 1840s when Europeans discovered this area. Perhaps this monumental abandoned complex made explorers tremble in awe, and native Indians, descendants of the ancient Maya, decided to strengthen this impression by giving this place an appropriate name... 
Total Views:90 669
Singapore - Dream City • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

Singapore - Dream City

Singapore is an eye-candy city-state. Being in the center (or, as it was in the ancient times, in the end) of Asia, this city has absorbed all the might and splendour of a modern western civilization and is happy to showcase it to the world - it's definitely worth it.
Total Views:222 345
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef is located in the eastern part of Australia and it is one of the greatest wonders of nature. It stretches 2,500 kilometers along the coast. It is the largest coral ecosystem of our planet and the largest natural object formed by living organisms...  
Total Views:87 676
 President of Russia V. V. Putin handed AirPano the Grant Certificate from the RGS • AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the World

President of Russia V. V. Putin handed AirPano the Grant Certificate from the RGS

On 30th of April  President of Russia V. V. Putin handed Sergei Semenov, the representative of AirPano team, the Grant Certificate from the Russian Geographic Society (RGS)...

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