Sunday, 8 October 2017

Knee pain Treatment_-Homeopathy


* Tearing pain in Knees - Kali Carb. 
* Stinging burning pain in Knee joint - Belladona 
* Sharp drawing pain in right Knee and thigh - Kali Carb
* Pain in hollow of Knee - Nat Carb. 
* Stitches, with painful stiffness of Knees - Bryonia 
* Knee hot, red, swollen with pain through whole Limb - Cal Carb. 
* Disagreeable pain in knee, cannot find easy position - Cocculus 
*Tearing pressure in Knee joints and lower leg - Ledum.
* Worse in pressure or touch ;burning and pickling in Knee joint - Iodium
* Better in motion ;boring pain in Knee joint - Indigo 
* Tensive pain in hollow of Knee with stiffness ;better for continued motion - Causticum 
*Loss of control over Knee and hip joints - Syphy
* Stitch like pain in Knee - Rumex
*Great swelling of Knee with severe pain on attempting to stand - Iod
* Walking unsteadiness of Knee joints - Acon.
*Soreness in rheumatic inflammation of Knee joint, redness followed by effusion - Stict. 
* Worse on walking in morning ;aching pain in Knees - Lach. 
* Wrenching, excruciating pain in Knees, which are hot and tender to touch - Sars. 
* Pain in hip and Knee joints - Kali bich. 
* Stitches in hip and Knee joints - Euphr. 
* Pain in Knees - Mag Carb. 
* Tearing pain from Knee to feet - Sulphur 
* Weaknesses of Knees - Caul., Cinch. Off. 
* Worse from rising from a seat, after sensation in Knees as if beaten - Berb 
* Anchylosis and great swelling of Knee with chronic Synovitis - Silicea 
* Arthritic inflammation of Knees with nodosities - Nux vom 
* Arthritic swelling of Knee joint, with cracking on motion - Sulphur

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