Thursday, 16 May 2013

Homeopathic Tips::::

Enjoy and get healthy!
1)      Sleeplessness?  Arnica Montana 6 x and Calc phos 6x in half glass of H2O and sipped every 30 minutes. Homeopathyworks
2)      Hate humid weather? Nat sulph 6x every half hour often helps folks deal with the heat and too. Homeopathyworks
3)      Too much alcohol?  Too much fast food? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for  up to 1 day. Homeopathyworks
4)      Menstrual cramps?  Mag phos 6x in half cup of hot H2O and sipped every few minutes while still hot.Homeopathyworks
5)      Injury to the eye? Aconitum 30 every 30c minutes until improved, but no longer than 2 days.
6)      Babes with diarrhea?  Podophyllum 30c every 3 hours until better.  No longer than 2 days. Homeopathyorks
7)        Anxiety before the surgical operation?  Aconitum 30c  every few hours the night before and day of Homeopathyworks
8)      Injury to nerve rich areas, such as finger tips….Hypericum 30c every few minutes until pain subsides.Homeopathyworks
9)      Puncture wound? Ledum200 every 2 hours.  No more pain nor infection.Homeopathyworks
10)  Insect bites? Ledum 30 every 30minutes if painful.  If not then every 3 hours. Stop when better. Homeopathyworks
11)  Sprained ankle? Ruta 30 every 2 hours for 2 days. Homeopathyworks
12)  Long lasting black and blue? Sulphuric acid 30, 4 times per day, for 4 days.Homeopathyworks
13)  Injury to soft parts, like calves or thigh? Arnica Montana 30 every few hours for first few days.Homeopathyworks.
14)  Ragged wound? Calendula applied directly to the wound and dressing.  Emergency rooms in Europe
15)  Food poisoning with coldness and vomiting?  Arsenicum album 30 every hour until better.
16)  Baby with very high fever? Belladonna 30 every 3 hours. Stop when improved.  Most  fall asleep right after. Homeopathyworks
17)  Nausea after ice cream and other fatty foods? Pulsatilla 30 every 2 hours stop after 4 doses.Homeoapthyworks
18)  Baby with croup?  If caught in the 1st 24 hours, then Aconitum 30, every 2 hours. Stop when better.Homeopathworks
19)  Irascible teething baby?  Chamomilla 30 every few hours.  Stop when better.Homeopathyworks
20)  UTI? Nat phos 6x every hour for few days then frozen cranberries, H2o and raw honey to make a slush.yum Homeopathyworks
21)  Sunburn? Cantharis 30 every 2 hours. Stop when improved. Homeopathyworks
22)  Muscle strains due to overexertion?  Rhus tox 30c every 3 hours for 2 days or sooner. Homeopathyworks
23)  Deep muscle injury?  Arnica montana 30 . if no better after a day, then Bellis perennis 30 every 3 hours. Homeopathyworks
24)  Torn or wrenched ligaments?  Ruta 30 every few hours, as it gets beter, then every 4-5 hours.Homeopathyworks
25)  Fractured bone? On the way to hospital try Arnica 200 every 2 hours for up to 5
26)  Hard, long  labor? Arnica 200 every hour for up to 4 doses. Then after the birth to ease mom.Homeopathyworks
27)  Fractured rib? Bryonia 30 every few hours for  a few days.Homeopathyworks
28)  Indigestion? Arsenicum Album 30. 3 doses usually does it.Homeopathyworks
29)  Heat exhaustion? Veratum album 30 every hour until better. Homeopathyworks
30)  Jellyfish sting?  Apis 30 every hour until better. Homeopathyworks
31)  Hemorrhoids?  Nux vomica 30 is the one that works for most. Twice per day for up to 3 days.Homeopathyworks
32)  Extreme nausea? Ipecac 30 every 2 hours for up to one day.Homeopathyworks
33)  Eczema?  Nat mur 6x thrice daily helps some. Homeopathyworks
34)  Allergic reaction to insect bites?  Urtica urens 30 every hour. Stop when better.Homeopathyworks.
35)  Cramping clutching colic in baby? Colocynthis 30 every 3 hours for up to 2 days.Homeopahyworks.
36)  Chicken pox?  Rhus tox 30 every 3 hours if restless and itchy.stop when better. Resume if needed again. Homeopathyworks
37)  Conjunctivitis?  For early stage only: Belladonna 30 every 4 hours for up to 2 days. Homeopathyworks
38)  Sinus Infection?  Most folks respond to Kali bich 30 every 2 hours. Stop when imporved.
39)  Flu? Influenzinum 6 or 30 every 4
40)  Blocked tear duct? Silica 6x twice daily for up to 2 weeks.
41)  Feel shocked after bad news?  Aconitum 30, 4 times daily for up to 3 days.
42)  To avoid dehydration from fever: Coat bottoms of hands and feet with olive oil and insist on liquids, even ice chips.Homeopathyworks
43)  Abdominal cramps  but clutches the area for a modicum of comfort:Colocynthis 30 every  2 hours.Homeopathyworks.
44)  Hair loss?  For some Silica 6x thrice daily helps.Homeopathyworks
45)  Motion sickness accompanied by copious saliva? Nux vomica 30 every 30 minutes.Homeopathyworks
46)  Mom overwhelmed with mom-duties? Sepia 30 4 times per day for 2 days. Repeat in one week.Homeopathyworks
47)  Sinus headache form barometric pressure change?  Kali bich 30 every 2 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks
48)  Headache of very irritable person? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks
49)  Headache of person with digestive problems? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks.
50)  Overeaten again? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses. Then stop that! Homeopathyworks
51)  Some think there’s no difference between a health tactic and strategy.  I think otherwise.A health tactic is to incorporate organic foods  in the diet. A strategy is to have a long term
52)  Leg cramps? Mag phos 6x and Calc phos 6x in 4 ounces of hot water and sipped I teaspoon at a