Thursday, 2 May 2013


All our believes and faith are based on different theories and sects but one common point is that we all wants truth.  To experience the truth is a strong desire of a person and RAJA-YOGA suggests us a practical and logical way of getting this truth.  No truth may realized until a person experience it himself and gain knowledge from that experience and RAJA-YOGA provides us the opportunity for this experience and knowledge.
For acquiring knowledge we first make observations but these observations are external only, whereas RAJA-YOGA proposes that to experience the things we should observe them internally also.  There is only one method by which we can observe internally, that which is called concentration of mind.  The mind when properly guided to explore the inner world, it analyze facts deeply and we get the exact knowledge about the things.  this is what RAJA-YOGA proposes to teach.
The nature is ready to give up its secrets if we know how to take with strong strength of concentration of mind.  There is no limit to the power of human mind, the more we concentrate, the more power we can able to generate at one point and when this power is turned back upon the mind, the nature automatically reveals all its secrets.
In RAJA-YOGA no faith or belief is required, it suggest that believe nothing until you experience it yourself.  The study of RAJA-YOGA requires constant practice of concentration of mind and this leads to the point where no law of nature will influence and the person will be able to go beyond laws of nature and will be the master of the whole nature internally as well as externally.
A person who is doing the practice of concentration of mind the nature put hurdles to tempt yogi because it do not want anyone free himself from the laws of nature.  The persons who are tempted they are not successful but persons who strong enough to resist these temptations, go straightly and become free.
RAJA-YOGA is divided into eight steps
 non-killing, truthfulness, continence 
 cleanliness, contentment, study and self surrender to God 
 posture in which one sits (posture is that which is firm & pleasant)
 Prana means breathe and Ayam means control(control on breathing or control of Prana) 
 restrain of senses 
 fixing the mind on a spot or holding of mind on to some particular object 
 Dhayana means Meditation 
The inaudible repetition of the Mantra "OM", accompanied with the thinking of its meaning is called the mental repetition and is the best of way for purification of mind.  Purification of mind by truth and by all other virtues is what is called internal purification.  The mind must always travel between two extremes.  You can think of limited space, but that very idea gives  you also unlimited space, close your eyes and think of a little space, at the same time that you perceive the little circle, you have a circle round of it of unlimited dimensions.  The true knowledge is with in ourselves.  The Raja-Yoga makes us to get rid of Grief, mental distress, tremor of body, irregular breathing, disease, laziness, lethargy, false perception accompany non retention of concentration.
The Raja-Yoga gives us perfect concentration of mind which keeps our mind and body completely relaxed and free.  The practice of Raja-Yoga if not properly directed, may lead to stresses and disturbances again.  So it is essential that one should  practice in the guidance of a right guide or teacher.  Thus if we follow the principles of Raja-Yoga along with regular recitation of mantra "OM" and surrendering ourselves completely to the God, we may attain higher stages of spirituality and can lead a relaxed and stress free life.