Sunday, 7 April 2013

Pointers (Clinical Tips)

(Some Selected Hints)By T. K. Moore, M. D.
Presented by Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. ( London )

  1. A single symptom causing suffering is completely recorded only when its history, origin, progress and conditions attached, circumstances of aggravation, of amelioration, time of occurrence and of greatest intensity, how affected by position, rest, motion, eating, drinking, or the performance of any body function, by mental emotions or by any other cause – all this is included in the totality.
  2. It is expecting too much of homœopathy to cure symptoms expressing protest against a continuing and removable cause. Find the cause—mental, moral, physical or hygienic. Remove the cause or causes. Then if aught else remains, homœopathy will take care of that. 
  3. When the moon is decreasing, Phos., Sil., etc. may be used in patients having damaged organs safely and with good effect. 
  4. In advanced disease, malignant or tubercular, the most terrible thing you can do is to give the indicated remedy in high potency. Give anything but that. 
  5. In chronics, the latest symptoms, even though they may appear insignificant, are always the most important in the selection of remedy. The oldest are the least important. All symptoms in between must be arranged in order of their appearance. Only such patients remain well and are really cured who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development. 
  6. In epilepsy you will never cure unless you find a remedy that covers and corresponds in every respect to the acute attack. Then follow with the complementary or chronic remedy as the curative. The chronic remedy given during the attack would aggravate too strongly. 
  7. Usually disease leaves by an eruption or by discharge from mucous membrane. 
  8. A remedy which can bring a symptom or symptoms to the surface, usually will cure those symptoms without further medication. Therefore watch and wait. 
  9. A remedy given well-indicated, then a diarrhœa, rash or excessive sweat, medicinal aggravation or any old symptom returned or even symptoms worse and patient better, give a remedy now and disaster is sure. 
  10. If after giving a remedy there is itching of the soles, it is a good indication. 
  11. In organic disease where there is much pathology, use the lower potencies. 
  12. High potencies are two-edged swords and must be handled with care. 
  13. When patients appear to get up a tolerance for remedies, a complementary remedy will sometimes keep the patient from going stale. 
  14. Unable to get symptoms from children, size up the parents and see what they need, or needed before the birth of the child. 
  15. Forget the symptoms peculiar to the disease and those of the ultimates, prescribe on the symptoms of the patient. 
  16. A nosode in line with the patient’s constitution or family history has sometimes given striking results, allowing the previous well-indicated but inactive remedy to take hold. 
  17. Never send an Iodium patient to a warm climate. 
  18. Do not overwork keynotes. They are sign-posts to shorten our research, not to suppress it. 
  19. Coloc. cures colic again and again. Then Kali-c. steps in to end the trouble. 
  20. Elderly case, blustery weather, vomiting much frothy blood-tinged mucus, high temperature, mucous rales, dyspnœa ; all set for pneumonia -- Verat-v. He will be better next day. 
  21. A jewel in surgical shock : Strontium Carb. 
  22. After salvarsan the similimum is often the antidote. 
  23. Thuja is the antidote to massive doses of Arsenic. 
  24. Nocturnal epilepsy or chorea : Calc. is valuable, especially after Sulph. 
  25. Gels. is rarely found of benefit in superficial affections of the eye, but is especially adapted to disease of the fundus and paralysis of the nerves. 
  26. In croup without fever, think of Kali-bi. or Brom., the latter if there is cyanosis. 
  27. Think of Merc-c. in toxic conditions of pregnancy and Phos. In albuminuria of pregnancy. 
  28. If I could have but one remedy for the prostate, it would be Caust. 
  29. Acon. will seldom or never cure a quiet, calm, equable patient. Nux-v. will not cure where the disposition is mild and phlegmatic. Puls. will not cure if happy, gay and obstinate. If imperturbable and not easily frightened, do not use Ign. 
  30. A Kali-c. characteristic : Any bang, shock, bad news or fear is felt in the stomach. 
  31. Ferr-p. in earache and mastoiditis leads everything else. More cases of mastoiditis call for Ferr-p. than any other remedy. It equals Cham. In earache of children. it may be repeated often. Use the DM. 
  32. In earache do not use Ferr-p. below 12 th. The low will often work when the high fails. 
  33. Puls. above all other remedies, has the power to unlock suppressions of modern serum therapy. 
  34. When the well-selected remedy acts only a short time and the symptoms agree, consider Sulph., Calc-s., and Psor., Tub., Med. or other nosodes.
( Courtesy  : "The Homœopathic Recorder" December, 1936. pp. 531-536)