Monday, 11 May 2015

Point of 100 Diseases!!!

Zu San Li (ST36) is commonly used for gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and stress and fatigue. Zu San Li (ST36) is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your foot up and down. To use this acupressure point, (1) locate the point then (2) apply downward pressure on the muscle, stimulating the area for 4-5 seconds.
The point is located on the lateral side of the leg below the knee (patella).
The point is located about four-finger space below the patella in the depression on the lateral side of the bone (tibia).
Apply pressure and massage for 4-5 seconds.

the point at which you pressed your finger is the point – Zu San Li.

Why the Japanese call it – a point of  a hundreds diseases?

With the acupressure of point Zu San Li can be increased the activity of the adrenal glands, the most powerful glands that act as the main guardian of human health. They secrete adrenaline  into the blood, hydrocortisone and other important hormones.
If you daily massage the “point of longevity”  it is possible to normalize the work of the adrenal glands, which is important because performs the following functions in the body:
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  •  Normalization of glucose, insulin
  • Suppression of inflammatory processes in the body
  • Regulation of the immune system
  • Also improves digestion
  • Heals diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Treats the consequences of a stroke

How to massage this magical point?

Before the beginning of the massage make yourself comfortable and you have to sit in a relaxing position. Calm your breathing and concentrate on your feelings. Immerse yourself in a state of harmony and understanding that you just decided to start the healing process. This massage has a stimulating effect.
Massaging point Zu San Li is better in the morning, before lunch. 9 times in a circular motion clockwise on each leg alternately (9 times on one leg and 9 times on the other leg). So 10 minutes in total. Massaging can be made by your fingers or any grain of cereals (buckwheat, oats, such as rice, etc).
Weight loss
This daily massage in the evenings is suitable for weight loss – 400-500 grams a week. But, do not massage directly before bedtime,  because will cause you  insomnia.
Better immune system
You can massage Point Zu San Li every day, but the best effect is achieved during the young moon. Eight days after the occurrence of a young moon, be sure to massage this point in the morning, on each leg clockwise. It is the best time to strengthen your  immune system, improve the work of all organs and slow down the aging process.
Improved memory and high-quality sleep
Before lunch, synchronized on both legs, clockwise,  for improved  memory,  cardiovascular system and digestive system. After lunch, synchronized on both legs against stress, nervousness and irritability,  headaches and sleep disturbances.