Monday, 30 April 2018


சுவையான சாம்பார் செய்ய சில அற்புத டிப்ஸ்...!

சாம்பாரில் முள்ளங்கியை அப்படியே போடாமல் சிறிதளவு எண்ணெய் விட்டு வதக்கி போட்டால் சுவை கூடுதலாக இருக்கும்.

* சிறிதளவு பொரிகடலை, புழுங்கல் அரிசி இரண்டையும் வறுத்துப் பொடித்து, சாம்பார் பொடியுடன் சேர்த்தால், சாம்பார் சூப்பராக இருக்கும்.

* வெந்தயக் குழம்புக்கு வெந்தயத்தைத் தாளிக்காமல், வெறும் வாணலியில் நன்றாக வறுத்துப் பொடி செய்து தூவினால், குழம்பு மணமாக இருக்கும்.

* வெங்காய சாம்பார் செய்யும்போது, பெரிய வெங்காயம் வைத்துச் செய்யவும். சின்ன வெங்காயம் 7-8 வதக்கி சாம்பாருக்கு அரைக்கும் பொருட்களுடன் அரைத்து சாம்பாரில் கொட்டவும். மணம் வீட்டைத் தூக்கும்.

* சாம்பாரில் காய்களுடன் ஒரு பெரிய நெல்லிக்காயையும் கட் பண்ணிப் போட்டு சமைத்துப் பாருங்கள். கல்யாண சாம்பாரையும் மிஞ்சிவிடும் சுவை. சத்தானதும் கூட.

* துவரம் பருப்புடன் வெந்தயத்தை அரைமணி நேரம் ஊறிய பிறகு வேகவிடவும். வழக்கமான புளி ஊறவைத்து சாம்பார் செய்யவும். மற்ற சாம்பாரைவிட இதற்கு ருசி அதிகம்.

* சாறு பிழிந்த எலுமிச்சை பழத் தோலைத் தூக்கி எறிந்துவிடாமல், உருளைகிழங்கு, வேகவைக்கும்போது அதோடு சேர்த்து வேகவையுங்கள். உருளைக்கிழங்கு பொரியல் கமகமவென்று மணம் வீசும்.

* முருங்கைக் கீரை சமைக்கும்போது சிறிதளவு சர்க்கரையைக் கலந்து சமைக்க ஒன்றோடு ஒன்று ஒட்டிக்கொள்ளாமல் உதிரியாக இருக்கும்.

* கீரையை வேகவிடும்போது, சிறிது எண்ணெய் அதனுடன் சேர்த்து வேகவைத்தால், கீரை பசுமையாக, ருசியாக இருக்கும்.

* வாழைப்பூவை நறுக்கிச் சுத்தம் செய்வதே பெரிய வேலை. இதோ ஓர் எளிய முறை. பூவை ஆய்ந்ததும் முழுசாக மிக்ஸியில் போட்டு இரண்டே சுற்று சுற்றினால் போதும். ஒரே அளவில் பூவாக உதிரும்.

* வாழைத்தண்டு கூட்டு மற்றும் பொரியல் செய்யும்போது, அதனுடன் சிறிது முருங்கைக் கீரையும் சேர்த்துக் செய்தால், சுவையும் மணமும் மிகவும் நன்றாக இருக்கும். உடம்புக்கும் மிகவும் நல்லது.

* வெண்டைக்காய் சமைக்கும்போது ஒன்றோடு ஒன்று ஒட்டாமல் இருக்க சமைப்பதற்கு முன் அதில் சிறிதளவு எலுமிச்சம் பழச்சாறைத் தெளிக்கவும்.

Thursday, 26 April 2018


மழைக்கால சளி

உடல் குளிர்ச்சியாக இருப்பதால் உருவாகும் சளி பச்சை அல்லது வெள்ளை நிறத்தில் இருக்கும் சளியை மூக்கு வழியாக வெளியேற்ற முடியும்.

இதனால் உருவாகும் சளியை வெளியேற்ற வேண்டுமே தவிர எந்த வித ரசாயன மருந்துகளோ எடுத்துக் கொள்ளக்கூடாது.

இதற்கு இரண்டு மிளகு, நான்கு சீரகம் போட்டு தண்ணீரை கொதிக்க வைக்க வேண்டும். இந்த நீரை தொடர்ந்து பருகி வந்தால் சளி வெளியேறிவிடும்.

சளி பிடித்து விட்டால் இயற்கையான முறையில் அதை வெளியேற்ற வேண்டுமே தவிர, இராசயன மருந்துகளின் மூலம் அதை நம் உடலுக்குள்ளேயே வைக்ககூடாது!

கோடை சளி

உடல் சூடாக இருப்பதனால் உருவாகும் சளி, மூக்கு வழியாக வெளியேறாது, தொண்டைக்கும், மூக்குக்கும் இடையே இருக்கும், வறட்டு இருமல் இருக்கும், மஞ்சள் நிறத்தில் இருக்கும் இந்த சளியை வாய் வழியாகவே வெளியேற்ற வேண்டும்.

அப்போது தூதுவளை எடுத்துக் கொண்டால் உடல் சூடு அதிகமாகி வறட்டு இருமல் அதிகமாகுமே தவிர சளி குறையாது.

அந்த மாதிரியான நேரங்களில் நாட்டு மாதுளம் பழச்சாறு(மெல்லிய மஞ்சள் நிறத்தோலுடன் சேர்த்து) காலை 11 மணி மற்றும் மதியம் 3 மணியளவில் சாப்பிட வேண்டும்.

இதனுடன் நாட்டு சர்க்கரை, வெல்லம் கருப்பட்டி தேன் கலந்து குடிக்க வேண்டும்.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018


From Dr. Krishnamurthi Some combination remedies benefits : Sweet Chestnut + Gorse + Impatiens + Rock Rose + Agrimony. (As per the experiences of those who have used this) this combination will help us to learn the most important as well as the best things in whatever profession or job we may be in. Equally effective is another combination viz., Sweet Chestnut + Gorse + Mustard + Gentian + Wild Rose. As most of you are aware, Mustard + Gentian + Wild Rose is for ‘settling down in life’. What is impossible for man is for possible for God (The Holy Bible.) [Wherever surgery was advised and if the sufferer takes these two remedies (Gorse + Sweet Chestnut) the very same doctors ruled out surgery. Several thousands of rupees as well as suffering and lifelong taking of drugs as post-surgical treatment were done away with.] Therefore, if you any two or three remedy combination, and if you add Gorse+Sweet Chestnut, the effects would be most satisfying.

Sunday, 22 April 2018


பிரண்டை மருத்துவம்!!!

"முழங்கால் வலி அதிகமாக இருக்கிறது என்றார்கள்.
              பிரண்டையை உபயோகித்துகொள்ளுமாறு ஆலோசனை கூறி அனுப்பினேன்.
             கடந்த இருபது நாளில் இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு ஒரு முறை பிரண்டையை துவையல் செய்து சாப்பிட்ட பின்பு கடந்த ஒருவாரமாக வலி சுத்தமாக இல்லை என்பது மட்டுமின்றி உடல் சோர்வு அறவே இல்லை. என வந்து தெரிவித்தார்கள்.

                 பிரண்டையில் உள்ள மிகையான சுண்ணாம்பு சத்து(கால்சியம்) தான்  எலும்பு மச்சையில் திரவம் அதிகமாக சுரக்க வைக்கிறது.

                    அதுமட்டுமின்றி வாயில் ஆரம்பித்து ஆசனவாய் வரை உருவாகும் 300 விதமான நோய்க்கும் சிறந்த மருந்து பிரண்டை என போகர் நிகண்டுவில் குறிப்பிடபட்டுள்ளது. 
                      குறிப்பாக, சிறுகுடலில் ஏற்படும் குறைபாடுகள் பிரண்டையால் உடனடியாக நிவர்த்தியாகும். இதை எனது அனுபவத்தில் உணர்ந்திருக்கிறேன்.

                      பிரண்டை உப்பை சுமார் 300mg தேனில் அல்லது நெய்யில் தினமும் சாப்பிட்டு வர உடலில் உள்ள கழிவுகள் வெளியேற்றபடுகிறது.

                  சிறுகுடல் மற்றும் வயிற்றில் உள்ள வாயு  முழுவதும் வெளியேறுவதை உடனடியாக உணரலாம்...

                  பெண்களுக்கு, மாதவிடாய் காலங்களில் ஏற்படும் இடுப்புவலி மற்றும் வயிற்று வலிக்கு பிரண்டை துவையல் (அ) உப்பை பயன்படுத்தினால் வலி இல்லாமல் போகும் .
                   பெண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் கால்சியம் குறைபாட்டிற்கு இது ஒரு அருமருந்து..
               மூலம் நோய் உள்ளவர்களுக்கு
உரிய  மருந்தாகவும், ஏற்ற உணவாகவும்
                 இந்த மூலிகையை "குத ரோக நாசினி" என்று ஆயுர்வேதத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது.

                    இவ்விதமாக நிறைய வயிறு சம்மந்தப்பட்ட  குறைபாடுகள் பிரண்டையால் குணமாகிறது.
மற்றும் இயற்கை கால்சியம்  அதிகம் உள்ளது  .
                   இவ்வாறு இருக்க  நாம்  ஏன் அனாவசியமாக  கால்சியம் மாத்திரை சாப்பிட்டு சிறுநீரகத்தை பாழ் செய்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். யோசிங்க.....

                 வைரம் பிரண்டை சாற்றில் பொடியாகும் என்று போகர் ஏழாயிரத்தில் உள்ள குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
                  உலகிலேயே கடினமான பொருள் வைரம் ஆகும். அதில் உள்ள கார்பன் பிணைப்பையே உடைக்கும் தன்மை இதன் சாற்றுக்கு உண்டு எனும்போது ........

               தேகத்தை வஜ்ஜிரமாக்கும் என்பதினால்தானோ என்னவோ
இதற்கு மற்றொரு பெயர் "வஜ்ஜிரவல்லி" எனப்படுகிறது. 
                 இதை படிப்பதுடன் நிறுத்தி விடாமல்  அணைவரும் உபயோகித்து பயன்   அடைந்தால்  நான் மிகவும் மகிழ்வேன்.


Friday, 20 April 2018


It iz my 4yrs experience only on which I always use croton tig Q in an emergency where almost all laxatives n anima fails to act.
Hundreds of cases in emergencies due to constipation, I often use croton tig Q 2-3 drops in an interval of 30 minutes, where 3 doses is sufficient enough to get rid of dis condition. After dat  diarrhoea caused by Q is cured by its repetition of 30 potency.

By Nazis Obaid in I Love Homeo

Diabetes Cure

My experience on Diabetes Mollitus in Homeopathy treatment.

I have already told,why is Lachesis medicine so important for all?Medical science have already discussed widely about diabetes. There is also said about what happends in ones' body if the blood suger gets lower or suddenly increases. Do you want to know what is the role play of Lachesis medicine when the blood sugar gets lower or higher? If I ask any conscious patient why does he take insulin hormone, then he would say that because of diabetes risks(heart disease and stroke, kidney failure, neuropathies,vision loss ----etc) to remove she takes the most reliable insulin hormone injection. He gave a good answer. But after taking insulin if he sees that one of his body parts became  gangrene and have to cut it or stroke take place in her eyes and become blind, then he would be disappointed and he would lost belief on medical science. I said about my two experiences. Now think about it.
(1)A patient has heart problem. He was suffering from high blood sugar, neuropathic pain,shortage of hemoglobin and sodium chloride etc.Before taking insulin her blood sugar level was 14-19.But after taking insulin it become 7-8.She suffered from gangrene. Surgical doctor suggested her to cut her leg off.She became very disappointed in their words. Then she came to me for treatment and ultimately she got relief from the gangrene. But then her level of blood sugar increased and became 21.

(2)Another patient who takes insulin regularly, his blood sugar level was 17 but after taking insulin it became 6-7.The time while he takes insulin one of his eyes were attacked by stroke and blood congested in the left eye.He was going to be blind. After getting treatment from me,he became well and the congested blood started to circulate in just 7 days. But his blood sugar became 19 then.

We saw the same thing in the both event that Lachesis medicine can remove the suffering of people for diabetes but it increases the blood sugar level. Lachesis medicine increases the nil sugar level of blood and instantly save ones life from death.
For both patients I started with 30 potency and if the vital force of a patient increases then I finished the treatment with 1M.

Is it a problem by taking Lachesis medicine the blood sugar becomes high? Hope that you all will think about it.

By Mariot Ali

For Stroke & Cardiac Arrest!!!

Treatment of Stroke and Cardiac Arrest (including High and Low pressure)

I have already told, why is Lachesis medicine so important for all? Every creatures must die by the rules of nature. I want to say,"No one will die due to Stroke and Cardiac Arrest. At the beginning of these diseases if someone take Lachesis medicine, then they can get relief from these diseases under 30mins to 72 hours. Usually after taking this medicine we can see some patients to vomit and use the toilet. After the secretion, the diseases come under control. After taking Lachesis medicine within 30mins to 72 hours the diseases comes under control. This medicine helps the congested blood to circulate in any part of the human body. Even if the blood gets congested by the outside strike. Because of Stroke if the congested blood can't be circulated under maximum 0-7 days then the patient could become paralyzed or one of his body part could be damaged. My practical experience is that those people who are suffering from acute diseases and has low vitality they should take 30 potency 2 doses within 24hours interval and those who are not suffering in these conditions, they should take 200 to 1M potency only a dose.The best rules of prescribing medicine are, "When symptom calls for it medicine can be repeated".

      Treatment of  High and Low  blood p

By taking Lachesis medicine (30-200 potency), we can take control on both high and low blood pressure under 30mins to 24 hours.

Thursday, 19 April 2018


Homeopathic Tonic

A person in good health should not take any tonic. Good health means that the person has no disease. If a healthy person takes tonics, these will have no effect or may even produce an adverse effect. The habit of taking a tonic is simply ridiculous, when a person is healthy.
Alfalfa Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Acts as a tonic in digestive functions, toning up the appetite, resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain of weight. Corrects tissue waste.
Arsenicum iod. (Thrice a day): In chronic coronary artery disease and myocardial infection.
Aspidosperma Q (Twice a day): A great lung tonic.
Avena sativa Q (Twice a day): 10-20 drops a dose in a little water is a tonic for the nervous system and brings about sleep. Relieves nervous headache, fatigue and numbness of limbs. It is the best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases.
Cactus Q (Thrice a day), Crataegus oxy. Q (Thrice a day): 10-15 drops of these medicines mixed together and given every four hours works as a heart tonic and strengthens the heart.

Calcarea ars. (Thrice a day): Excellent heart tonic. Relieves pain, palpitation and dyspnea in dilatation of the heart; weak valves.
Calcarea phos. 6x (Four times a day): A general tonic for weak children, especially during teething. A tonic during pregnancy. In anemia of children and after acute and chronic wasting diseases.
Cascara sag. Q (Thrice a day): It is an intestinal tonic, palliative in constipation and helps in removing indigestion. Give 15 drops every three hours.
Chamomilla (Thrice a day): For whining, restless and irritable children.
China off. (Thrice a day), Chininum ars.(Thrice a day), Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): For debility remaining after influenza and colds.
Chininum ars. (Thrice a day): A general tonic with very marked beneficial and prompt effect. The symptoms of general weakness, weariness and prostration are cured by it.
Crataegus oxy. Q (Twice a day): Acts upon muscles of the heart. There is giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and low blood pressure.
Digitalis (Thrice a day): It is a great cardiac tonic in feeble muscular walls of the heart. Palpitation, breathlessness and vertigo.

Echinacea (Thrice a day): Blood poisoning.
Gentiana cruciata Q (Twice a day): A tonic which increases appetite and relieves acidity and bloating of stomach and abdomen; constricted feeling in the throat.
Gentiana lutea Q (Twice a day): Acts as a tonic for increasing appetite.
Lathyrus sat. 3 (Thrice a day): Acts as a tonic for removal of weakness and heaviness after cure of influenza and wasting, exhaustive diseases like hypertension and heart disease.
Lecithinum (Thrice a day): It has a favourable influence upon the nutritive conditions, specially upon the blood. It acts as a tonic in anemia and during convalescence. It increases the quantity and quality of milk in nursing women.
Natrium sulph. 6x (Thrice a day): Tonic in Rheumatism especially when the patient feels changes of temperature from dry to wet, with weak ankles and knees, pain from hip to toe. A person wearing a ring overnight cannot take it off in the morning due to swelling of the finger.
Nux vomica (Thrice a day): For irritability. Over-worked dyspeptic males.

Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Mental and physical prostration.
Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): For contradictory, changeable, lachrymose females suffering from anemia due to iron deficiency or abuse of iron tonic.
Secale cor. (Thrice a day): In thickening of the coats of arteries producing hypertension, angina pectoris, right heart disease, with cold and blue extremities. Patient is better in cold and with cold applications.
Staphysagria (Thrice a day): For residual pain, nervousness after teeth extraction.
Sterculia a. (Thrice a day): Fatigue. Regulates the blood circulation. Regulates cardiac rhythm and gives strength to a weak heart. 3-10 drops, three times a day.
Turnera Q (Thrice a day): 10 to 40 drops a dose, thrice daily acts as a tonic in sexual weakness and removes frigidity in females.
Vanadium (Thrice a day): A true digestive tonic after sub-acute and acute gastroenteric inflammation and in early tuberculosis.
Veratrum alb. (Thrice a day): A useful heart tonic when there is cold sweating on the forehead.
Viburnum prun. Q (Twice a day): It is great uterine tonic. Strengthens the muscles of the uterus and removes tendency to habitual abortions.
Yohimbinum Q (Twice a day): Excites sexual organs and stimulates the function of lactation.
Zincum met. (Thrice a day): For old persons and also for paralysis. Often for cerebral thrombosis.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Acute remedies!!!

Common  acute  remedies

We keep a few commonly used acute remedies prepared in liquid in 30C potencies in our metal remedy box***. We remix new remedies every 2-3 months to make sure they are fresh and still active:

Aconitum napellus – fear, fright; sudden onset of violent symptoms with fever after exposure to cold and dry wind
Apis mellifica*** – bee, wasp, hornet, etc. stings; with pain, and red, puffy, shiny, hot swelling
Arnica montana – after injuries such as falls, concussions, bumps, bruises, contusions, car wrecks; to prevent shock from any injury; emotional shock;
Arsenicum album – colds, stuffy head, irritation from mucus and irritation in throat, better from warm drinks; food poisoning, with vomiting and diarrhea; such as from eating bad meat
Belladonna – high fevers of sudden onset in children with hot, dry forehead, glassy eyes, thirst-less; affects of sun stroke; helpful at antidoting the adverse effects of rabies shot in animals
Bryonia alba – Sprains and injuries worse from motion, better from rest and warmth; colds, flu, fever with great thirst for large gulps of cold drinks, aching all over, irritability
Calendula officinalis – first intention healing of wounds, cuts, tears, ruptures of tissues, tendons and bones (orally in potency); anti-infective, antiseptic (diluted tincture applied directly to wound)
Cantharis – burns and scalds, to first or second degree; sunburn; UTI’s or urinary complaints with burning pains
Cellphone and Cell mast – to antidote any effects after second-hand cell phone and other wireless technology exposure
Hypericum perfoliatum – concussion of head, neck, spine or tail bone; shock; injuries to nerve rich areas like fingertips, neck, groin, toes; to prevent tetanus resulting from puncture wounds in palm of hand or sole of foot.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum – between the 3X-12X potency (whatever we are on), used to antidote mercury symptoms; remove foreign objects like a splinter, etc.; to antidote inhaled metal dust from aerosol spraying operations
Ledum palustre – insect and spider bites; swellings and inflammations with white swelling and cool to touch (inflammations are generally warm to touch); to prevent tetanus resulting from any wound
Rhus toxicodendron*** – poison ivy, oak and sumac; injuries for over-straining, pains worse from being still, better from motion, worse on first motion (creaky gate); as first aid in case of heart attack
Ruta graveolens – (after use of Arnica ), strains of muscles and tendons; eye strain; parts feel bruised; injuries to periosteum (consider also Symphytum and Calendula)
Staphisagria – anger, indignation, victimization; UTI’s; injuries from sharp object such as a knife or scalpel (think of it after surgery)
Symphytum officinalis – breaks and fractures; injuries to periosteum; traumatic injuries to eye
X-ray – to antidote radiation exposure such as after air travel, and to help neutralize any effects from solar flares, background radiation, medical x-rays or too much sun exposure
Depending on your individual health situation you may also have in your box any prepared remedies in Q-potencies to alleviate symptoms of your recurrent and chronic conditions. For example you may be on a broad constitutional remedy like Lycopodium that covers your hereditary gout, but you may find that occasional bouts of pain are relieved by Colchicum 30C. We keep tinctures of Calendula officinalis and Echinacea angustifolia in there as well, along with a bottle of pre-mixed, diluted (1:20) Calendula tincture in a 2 oz. amber glass bottle with a sprayer on it to use for abrasions, irritations, diaper rash, etc. We clean the bottle and mix it fresh every 2-3 weeks to prevent contamination or spoilage.

By World Homeo Group

Sunday, 15 April 2018


It is interesting to follow out the connections of symptoms.

Take for instance the single prominent symptom of Conium, vertigo.

Vertigo on turning the head, Con., Calc. ost., Kali c.

Vertigo on moving the head, Bry., Calc. ost., Con.

Vertigo on looking up, Puls., Silic.

Vertigo on looking down, Phos., Spig., Sulph.

Vertigo from odor of flowers, Nux v., Phos.

Vertigo on watching, or loss of sleep, Cocc., Nux vom.

Vertigo on the least noise, Therid.

Vertigo while walking, Nat. m., Nux v., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo while studying, Nat. m.

Vertigo while or after eating, Grat., Nux v., Puls.

Vertigo as if whirling, Bry. Con., Cyclam., Puls.

Vertigo as if the bed turned, Con.

Vertigo with fainting, Nux vom.

Vertigo with staggering, Arg. nit., Gels., Nux v., Phos.

Vertigo with eyes closed, or in dark, Arg. n., Stram., Therid.

Vertigo with dimness of sight, Cyclam., Gels., Nux v.

Vertigo when rising from seat, Bry., Phos.

Vertigo when rising from stooping, Bellad.

Vertigo when rising from bed., Bry., Chel., Cocc.

Vertigo when stooping, Bell., Nux, Puls., Sulph.

Vertigo when ascending, Calc. ost.

Vertigo when descending, Borax, Ferrum.

Vertigo when lying, Con.

Vertigo must lie down, Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo occipital, Gels., Sil., Petrol.

Vertigo after sleep, Lach.

Vertigo after suppressed menses, Cyclam., Puls.

Kali-m 6x., Nat-m 6x.

By Obaidullah



SELENIUM__> baldness of the whole head eye brow.eyelashes and other parts of the body.

CARBO VEG__> hair falling especially after child birth or severe  illness.

NAT MURal__> hair falls out easily .hair fall when touched or combed .this is frequently seen in nursing mother.

SEPIA__> hair fall during pregnancy.

GRAPHITES__> bald spots on the side of the head.

SILICEA__> premature alopecia.

ACIDUM FLOURICUM__> Hair from premature aging .hair fall in patches.


Adding more :-
Lyco:- premature hair greying & fall
Phosphorus:- hair fall in bunches of spots
Acid phos:- due to weakness mentally frst thn physical weakness.
Selenium:- due to sexual weakness
Golden medicine in any hair fall Arnica:-add in any hair fall

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Neurological problem and my clinical experience

Avena staiva Q
10-10 drops 3 times

Kalmia 200
Cobaltum 200
Mix 10-10 drops 3 times

If Right side add Sangunaria 200
If Left side add Belladona 200
Or Spigelia 200
10-10 drops 3 times
For 7 days

By Qasim Jan


For #Stomach_Ulcer

Ars album 30/200
Ipecac 30/200

10-10 drops 3 times in a sip of water before meal for 15 days

For #Intestine_Ulcer

Sulphur 30/200
Nux vomica 30/200

10-10 drops 3 times alternately in a sip of water before meal for 15 days

In Acute case use 30 in chronic case use 200

By Qasim Jan - world homeo


I m specialist of Arthritis and Sciatica
My specific formula for Sciatica
Right side or Left side
Medorenium 1M weekly/daily
Coloucynthis 30/200Q
Gnaphalium 30/200/Q
Rhustox 30/200/Q
Coluphylum 30/200/Q

All mix TDs 10-10 drops
Or alternately can
I cured more than 300 cases

By Qasim

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Female Infertility!!!

Homeopathic Medicine for Female Sterility – Infertility

Abroma radix Q (Thrice a day): It should be given in 5 drops per dose three times a day, from the first day of the menstrual flow for seven days. It will cure dysmenorrhea if present and will bring on conception if the sexual intercourse is done after cessation of menses.

Agnus castus (One dose daily): Give only one dose a day-5 drops in water in case sterility is due to scanty menses or leucorrhea. Such ladies have a strong dislike for intercourse.

Alterias far. Q. (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: This remedy tones up the uterus if sterility is due to anemia, prolapsus, leucorrhea, rectal distress, and premature and profuse menses with labour-like pains.

Aurum met. (Twice a day): Frequent mental depression which may be severe. Nocturnal headaches, vagina sensitive which causes spasm and pain before intercourse.

Aurum mur. nat. 3x (Thrice a day): Sterility on account of organic defects in the uterus and prolapsus. Cervix is hardened. Ulceration of the womb and vagina. Inflammation of the membrane of the uterus.

Borax (Thrice a day): It favours early conception on correction of diseases connected with menses which are too soon, profuse and painful. Leucorrhea like the white of an egg. The discharge is warm. The thickness and warmth of discharge hampers mobility of sperms.

Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Sterility with copious menses and increase of fat in abdomen.

Eupionum 3 (Thrice a day): One or both the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Kalium phos. 6x (Thrice a day), Calcarea fluor. 6x (Twice a day): Along with the indicated remedy, a dose of these remedies combined together (3 grains each) helps to aid conception.

Lachesis (Twice a day): Fallopian tubes are blocked, especially the right side. Burning in the right ovary. Uterus is bent.

Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only): Sterility with chronic pelvic disorders. Pungent leucorrhea and menses. Intense vaginal irritation.

Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): In obstinate cases of sterility when cervix is hardened. Vaginal walls are defective in growth, menses late with a bearing down sensation.

Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): A dry vagina. Menstruation is usually irregular and heavy. A thin watery, burning vaginal discharge. Bearing down pain worse in the morning.

Ova tosta 3x (Thrice a day): Sterility due to non-production of ova and backache with leucorrhea.

Phosphorus (One dose daily): Excessive sexual desire. Menses too early but scanty and long lasting. Polypus of the uterus. Discharge corrosive.

Ferrum met. CM (One dose only): Sterility due to non-production of ova.

Platinum met. (Thrice a day): Increased sexual desire. Pain in the ovaries and uterus. Leucorrhea.

Sabal ser. Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Sterility due to enlarged ovaries which are tender. Breasts shrivelled, shrunken or withered. Married late and has suppressed sexual desire; may have been lead astray and avoided conception.

Sepia (Thrice a day): Irregularity of menses. Yellow leucorrhea. Constipation. Expulsion of wind from the vagina during intercourse. Bearing down sensation and dislike for intercourse. Period may be late and scanty or early and heavy.

Thyreoidinum 3x (Thrice a day): This remedy is sometimes very useful to help conception even in cases of glandular disorders or inflammation of the uterus or where even Surgery failed to induce conception.

Turnera Q (Thrice a day) 2-5 drops in ½ cup of water: Sterility on account of coldness to sex. Ladies are indifferent to sex.

Viburnum op. Q: If the infertility is due to a weak uterus, 5 drops of it, three doses a day strengthens the uterus. It often prevents miscarriages and cures sterility.

Xerophyllum (Thrice a day): Vulva inflammed with terrible itching.

NOTE 1: Sterility in females is usually due to the diseases of the uterus, like menses, leucorrhea, abnormality of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. Correction of such defects generally leads to conception.

NOTE 2: ‘Vitamin A’ helps the homeopathic treatment when no such defect is the cause.

NOTE 3: It has been observed that the reproductive organs do not mature fully before the age of 19 years. If such people start their sex life earlier than this, 60 percent of such adolescent girls develop a scar on the immature cervix which blocks the movement of eggs from ovaries to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. Such women either do not conceive or the pregnancies are ectopic meaning the position of the baby in the uterus will not be normal.

NOTE 4: An easy hand-held fertility monitor has recently been invented which has proved useful in assessment of a woman’s daily fertility status – low, high or peak. The chances of becoming pregnant during the peak days are very high. This device measures levels of hormones on urine test sticks.

NOTE 5: During the years, a woman can be pregnant, her left and right ovaries take turns each month to produce a ripe egg. When egg as is released, it travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. A woman can get pregnant only when a sperm cell travels through her cervix to meet with the ripe egg. The egg remains fertile for only two days. As women age, so do eggs, making conception harder with age as eggs deteriorate in quality and quantity. At the age of 35 years, decline becomes significant and it picks up pace with every passing year

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Poweful Powder

பஞ்ச தீபாக்கினி சூரணம்
🌿 @TamilMedicine

சுக்கு - 50 கிராம்
மிளகு - 50 கிராம்
திப்பிலி - 50 கிராம்
சீரகம் - 50 கிராம்
ஏலம் - 50 கிராம்
கற்கண்டு - 250 கிராம்

மேலுள்ள மருந்துகளில் கற்கண்டை தவிர்த்து மீதி மருந்துகளை முறைப்படி சுத்தி செய்து இடித்து சலித்து பிறகு கற்கண்டை பொடித்து பிறகு அனைத்தையும் ஒன்று சேர்த்து புட்டியில் அடைக்கவும்.

அளவு : 1 முதல் 2 கிராம் வரை

அனுபானம் : நெய், தேன், வெந்நீர்

பயன்கள் : பசியின்மை, செரியாமை, மயக்கம், கிறுகிறுப்பு, மூல வாயு, உடல் உஷ்ணம், அசீரணம், எலும்பு சுரம், அஸ்தி வெட்டை, வாயு, பித்தம், வெப்ப நோய், சூலை, பித்த வாயு, கப நோய் மேலும் பல நோய்கள் குணமாகும்.

குறிப்பு : புளி, கசப்பு சுவையுள்ள உணவுகளை தவிர்த்தால் மேலான பலனை காணலாம்.

இது எளிய முறை வீட்டிலே செய்யலாம்.

உங்கள் ஆரோக்கியத்தில் அக்கறையுடன்,
🌿 @TamilMedicine

Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Abi cough ka season aa gia ha
Now cough season started already

Normal cough
Bryonia 30
Phosphorus 30
Ars alb 30
Mix TDs 7 days

Continues cough
Bacilinium 200
Bryonia 200
Mix TDs 7 days

Dry cough
Spongia 200
Belladona 200
Mix TDs 7 days

Blood in cough
Belladona 200
Bryonia 200
Bicilinium 200
Mix TDs
Phosphorus 30
TDs for 7 days

By Qasim

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Useful Sites



ONLINE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT  -Tuft University  -Univesidad Politechnica, Madrid  -Utah State University  -University of Michigan  -Nore Dame University


■ (
■ AllTheWeb (
■ AltaVista (
■ Ask Jeeves! (
■ Excite (
■ HotBot (
■ LookSmart (
■ Lycos (
■ Open Directory (
■ Google (
■ Mamma (
■ Webcrawler (
■ Aol (
■ Dogpile (
■ 10pht (

■ AnyWho (
■ InfoSpace (
■ Switchboard (
■ (
■ WhoWhere (

■ ABC News (
■ CBS News (
■ CNN (
■ Fox News (
■ New York Times (
■ USA Today (

■ CBS SportsLine (
■ CNN/Sports Illustrated (
■ (
■ FOXSports (
■ NBC Sports (
■ The Sporting News (

■ (
■ kidsDoctor (
■ MedExplorer (
■ MedicineNet (
■ National Library of Medicine
■ Planet Wellness (
■ WebMD Health (

JOURNALS Multidisciplinary  - African Journal Online -   - directory of open access journal  - South African Journals.   - Open Access Journal Search Engine - Lund University - Free Scientific & Medical Materials - Access & Publication

ACADEMIC SEARCH/WEB RESEARCH TOOLS/REFERENCE MANAGERS - Multidisciplinary - Digital Bibliography Library Browser  - Live Search Academic  - USA government for Science - Computing & Information Sciences  - academic social network/collaboration  - Multidisciplinary - Voc & Tech Education   - Stanford physics information retrieval system
hsystemv   - Social Science Research Network


Neurological problem and my clinical experience

Avena staiva Q
10-10 drops 3 times

Kalmia 200
Cobaltum 200
Mix 10-10 drops 3 times

If Right side add Sangunaria 200
If Left side add Belladona 200
Or Spigelia 200
10-10 drops 3 times
For 7 days